So its about time.....time to do things I want to do times to do things I don't want to do, time to put on the big girl pants and take charge of what is happening around me. So here we go its about dang time to update the blog I have had time to do it but I just didn't want to I know that sounds stupid but I just got over whelmed with how much I needed to catch up so I just kept procrastinating. Yes I admit I like to over whelm myself with the small things. So as a forewarning this is going to be long. maybe painful for somebody to read but heck its the best I can to do to keep a running journal on our life since I am bad at actually writing in a journal.
So here we go trying to remember the best I can. November...My surgery went great, I only stayed over night then went home the next day, things were going well then on day 3 post op I woke up in the middle of the night with an awful fever so I made a trip to the ER and found out I had gotten strep so a shot of antibiotics and I was home in bed again. Three days after that things still just weren't normal so I made a trip to the doctors office and they thought I had mono but the test was negative so I got another shot and 10 days worth of antibiotics. The next day was Thanksgiving so we spent the day with family and ate way to much food. The next day we did our annual Black Friday shopping (a little modified due to my lack of energy still) and got way to much stuff but totally worth it. I started back to work the next week as part time yay!!
December' the next few weeks were busy with Christmas parties for work and school programs. We did take the time to make a Saturday trip with the kids to temple square to see the lights. As Christmas got closer I started dreading it a little bit more each day, not looking forward to the fact that I was going to be working for the majority of the holiday. We spent the first half of Christmas eve with my family then we went home and Danny and the kids went to bed and I went to work. The next morning I got home and we had our little family Christmas together which was so wonderful, I love to see the joy on the faces of my babies. Then I slept for a little while and we went to the George family Christmas dinner and spent some time with them. Then another little nap and back to work I went. The holidays just aren't as joyous when you have to work...baa hum bug!! The next week went by pretty fast and New years came and went with me at work.
So on to January I had high hopes for this year I was thinking it would be a fresh start and hopefully not so many medical bills and problems I had figured we met at least a two year quota with how much we spent between Ct's, broken collar bones, tmj problems, braces, surgery and doctors visits in 2010 well we made it to the 4th. Danny was playing basket ball and ended up tearing his acl in his left knee so we are starting the year out right with getting our deductible almost met in the first week due to the MRI and doctors visits and the knee brace that has to be ordered. we did luck out some what I guess, he doesn't need surgery yet, they tear is only partial and they don't know the percentage. The rest of the knee looks healthy so we are doing a wait and see plan, if it gets worse then we will do the surgery if not we will wait until we run our relay in June then reevaluate. So for now its rehab the heck out of it and wear a brace to help prevent any further damage. We celebrated our ninth anniversary on the 5th its crazy how fast time flies. I am looking forward to next year, because I told Danny that we were going to go on a cruise for our tenth.
Now for my kids...Kylee is absolutely loving kindergarten and getting stronger with her reading skills by the day. She also started taking piano lessons from Kaylynn this month and she loves it. She is always tinkering around playing melodies of songs she hears by ear she has some amazing talent now if we can keep her focused it will be great.
Alex has started preschool again and she wants to go every day, it is amazing how much she wants to be just as big as her sister and be able to do everything she does. Lex is my big helper, she loves to learn how to fold laundry with me and help do the dusting and empty out the dish washer. She is my tender heart and I hope and pray I can help her hone this into something great and not get damaged on the way by the little things.
Colt is my little tank (as grandma calls him) he is turning into quite the comedian. He tries to make us laugh all the time and he loves to laugh him self. He is definitely a mommas boy but i don't mind I love to snuggle with him.
Danny is an wonderful husband he is still helping me out immensely while I am at work by doing the laundry and keeping up on the dishes. He is staying busy at work and getting more so each day, but it is a good thing.
As for me I am still trying to adjust to having more time. I am so happy to be back to part time and being able to be home with my family more. I just need to get a routine down again, I am trying to get into exercising more and am slowly getting back into shape. I am looking forward to the weather getting warmer so I can get outside to run I definitely have a love hate relationship with the treadmill.
We are still waiting to sale our house and are hoping it will happen for us this year. But in the mean time we will do what the lord has planned for us willingly even if it means we keep waiting, because all we have is time. (I will try and post pictures soon.)