Well last Monday we took the opportunity to go with Danny's parents out to Aberdeen and pick potatoes for our winter storage. We figured it would be a great opportunity to let the girls play in the dirt and have a chance to see the tractors and trucks up close. They had a blast and it didn't take long for us to get plenty of spuds. It was interesting to see the way the two girls reacted to the new sites, Kylee was scared to death of the tractors, she was so afraid that they were going to come and run us over. She finally calmed down enough to get out of the truck and she even got a chance to sit in one of the diggers thanks to Great Uncle Kent, she thought that was pretty neat. Alexis on the other hand was so excited to see everything she jumped right out of the truck and started to help us find potatoes, she absolutely loved to be playing in the dirt Grandma George even got in on the fun. I will post the pictures as soon as I get them off of the camera. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa George and Great Grandma and Grandpa Rowbury for letting us come and have some farm fun with you, and thanks Foster Farms for the spuds.
Today is Kylee's birthday and I am so stressed about going home and making this princess cake,I just hope it will turn out half way decent. I hope I can get a little bit of sleep this morning so I will have full creative capacities this afternoon when I go to tackle this thing I will try to post the pictures from her party sometime later this week.
Your pregnant?????? I didn't know that. I saw the ticker on your page and just had to get the details. Let me know. Great job on the Elmo cake. I am sure the Princess cake turns out great too. Can't wait to see the photos. oh and Congratulations on the new baby!!!
I hear congrats is in order. I am so excited for your family!!! Can't wait to see the princess cakes. If it turns out good I may have to solicit you to do Alivia's in January!!!GOOD LUCK!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE
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