Sunday, November 14, 2010
Life is busy!
I have had issues.... I had really great intentions of keeping up on the blog but it seems like my life has gotten in the way. School started work is always there house duties and three kids don't leave me with much energy. I know excuses excuses. We did finally get our family pictures done yesterday so I figured I would at least get on and post the new family picture. I am hoping in the next few weeks I will have a little more time to do things. I go in for surgery on Wednesday and I will have 2 and a half weeks off of work and when I go back I will be part time again, WHOO HOO! I am expecting that I will have a little more time to do things out of want instead of necessity. So until then I hope everyone is well and looking forward to a great holiday season.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The summer has flown by.
I am amazed at how fast time leaves you in the dust. I had full intentions of being better at this blog thing and keeping up on all the fun things we did this summer but time has just past me by. In the end of July we had the BI-annual George Reunion and had lots of fun swimming and hanging out near Preston, Id. Danny did an amazing tribute to Jeremy Knuz and highlighting our Wasatch Back Journey. I am going to post the video if I can if you have a few min it is totally worth the watch.(It is not letting me upload the video right now I will have to try again soon.)
Here are a few pictures from the reunion. Danny and a few of the guys had a belly flop contest.

Danny his parents and I went to the Island Park Rodeo in the first part of August and Danny had a great time taking hundreds of pictures of the action and just practicing his photography skills. I just couldn't pick a few so I opted out of posting any.
Kylee had her first day of Kindergarten on the 24th of August.

Idaho Steel had their summer picnic on the 27th of August and the kids had a blast riding the toys at the park.

That night after the picnic we drove up to meadow lake and spent the weekend with the George family. The weather was pretty cold and windy and it rained off and on. We even woke up to snow on Sunday morning. We evidently had lots of fun because we were to busy to take very many pictures.

This last weekend was the kick off to the EISF and all the George Cousins were here for that. As for the rest of Labor Day weekend I spent it working and Danny and the kids spent time with his family. We are going to take the kids to the fair tomorrow night and we are looking forward to our last camping trip of the season next weekend we are going to try our luck at meadow lake again hopefully the snow will hold off.
Here are a few pictures from the reunion. Danny and a few of the guys had a belly flop contest.
Danny his parents and I went to the Island Park Rodeo in the first part of August and Danny had a great time taking hundreds of pictures of the action and just practicing his photography skills. I just couldn't pick a few so I opted out of posting any.
Kylee had her first day of Kindergarten on the 24th of August.
Idaho Steel had their summer picnic on the 27th of August and the kids had a blast riding the toys at the park.

That night after the picnic we drove up to meadow lake and spent the weekend with the George family. The weather was pretty cold and windy and it rained off and on. We even woke up to snow on Sunday morning. We evidently had lots of fun because we were to busy to take very many pictures.
This last weekend was the kick off to the EISF and all the George Cousins were here for that. As for the rest of Labor Day weekend I spent it working and Danny and the kids spent time with his family. We are going to take the kids to the fair tomorrow night and we are looking forward to our last camping trip of the season next weekend we are going to try our luck at meadow lake again hopefully the snow will hold off.
Friday, July 9, 2010
It's amazing how fast life gets away from you. Its been over a month now and we have had tons of fun but I have been bad on reporting back and keeping track. The wasatch back relay was crazy but so much fun..... I am addicted to it now. I have been a little lacking in the exercise department since we got back but my goal is to start anew on Monday with my focus on strength train stuff for a while before I get back to the running hard core.
The kids and I had a fun day at Jensen's grove with some of my high school friends. Danny turned the big 28. Leslie moved back to Blackfoot. I have been attempting to do a new schedule of escentualy one week on one off... its been a little crazy but I think it might work. My amazing example of a Great Grandma passed away, she was 97!! And we had one crazily busy fourth of July weekend. I wish I could post all of the fun pics that we have been taking with the new camera but there is no way possible to do that so it will just have to be a few random tastes here and there.
We still have plenty of stuff to do this summer... we actually have Danny's 10 year class reunion tomorrow it is hard to believe that we have been out of school that long already. Boy how time flies. We are still waiting to sale or house it will have been on the market for a year next month.... I just hope it sales before my kids are all grown. Oh well I just keep telling my self it will happen when it is supposed to happen. Well enough rambling.... hope you enjoy some of the fun moments we captured.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Spring fun and memorial day camping trip.
Well as you can tell I have been a little lacking in the blog department. We are still chugging along. The girls finished preschool, Danny is staying busy with work and his primary calling and I am barely floating above the surface with work, young womens, running and trying to keep the house functioning with Danny's help. The house is still on the market with no buyer in sight yet. Hopefully this summer will bring us some good news. The big race is just 3 weeks away and I am starting to get a little freaked out, it will be fun, but I feel totally out of my element. We had a fun time camping over memorial weekend and we are looking toward some more fun trips this summer. Here are a few pics from this spring and this last weekend. Danny bought me a new camera for mothers day so hopefully I will get better about posting pictures.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A few random pics from Feb.
This past month has been going by pretty fast. The house has been showing about once a week, I hope something comes from it soon. Colton's first birthday is tomorrow I will try and post some pics after his party Sunday. I had my 27th birthday yesterday, and it doesn't seem like I am getting that old but I am way closer to 30 now than 20 which is kind of scary. We went and registered Kylee for kindergarten today which was an emotional roller coaster in its self. She is so excited she doesn't want to have to wait all summer long. It is amazing to me how fast time flies the older you get the faster it goes. All the kids are doing good Colt is on the verge of walking but hasn't quite gotten there.
Most of these pictures are from when Keira was born... (Heidi and Sams baby)
The one of Danny is from when we went to Las Vegas.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Quick update.
Well it has been two weeks and nothing to crazy has happened, Ky got bronchitis and is on the mend. The girls are still loving preschool which is over in two weeks for a month, Colts new favorite thing to do is to crawl into the bathroom and stand up to the tub and holler at it and pull the shower curtain back and forth. Oh the joys of moving babies. Danny has been busy at work and and playing basket ball with the ward, their record isn't the greatest but he is having fun. I am still plugging away with the full time hours and trying to get into a semi normal routine. I have convinced Danny to get serious with his running and we are doing good so far. I am looking forward to this next weekend and our trip to las vegas, I will miss my babies but it will be a long need break for the two of us. We actually showed our house this week which is a first since November, I hope this means that maybe we will get a little more interest as the spring comes around. I better not get my hopes up to high, I have come to the realization that it will sale when it is ment to be. I already came to the rude awakening that things happen on their on schedule and not when I plan they should. Oh well tests and trials make us stronger and help us grow right.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Well at least I made it 3 times in a month instead of none. They whole full time thing is going alright I have just got to prioritize and organize alot better now so somethings just go by the way side while I try and get the basics done.
The girls are really loving preschool and Colton has become a terror. I was trying to get a little sleep after a long night at work yesterday and was awoken to the girls telling me that Colt had tipped over the garbage can. So I bound out of bed to find him in the middle of a huge mess digging for food. He had stuff scattered everywhere and had a little cut on his finger due to the fact that he was trying to get food out of a pork and bean can. I never had to worry about stuff like that with the girls it was always lotion or something good smelling at least. I seriously don't understand his fascination with the garbage can. I guess there is going to be a lot more adjusting to do to the difference between boys and girls.
Life is still going by at a mile a min. and we are holding on for dear life. We are looking forward to a trip to Vegas this month and we are both trying to get are butts in gear for this marathon hopefully everything will turn out great. Mean while in the back of our minds we are still hoping our house will sale. Maybe this spring will bring new and great things. Onward and up ward.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Crazy How Time Flies
Well its been a week and a half since I last wrote, I really wonder why life ends up getting so busy so fast. It seems like yesterday I was wondering when I was ever going to have kids.... now i have three crazy rugrats and life is flying by.
I have been at this full time thing now for almost two weeks and it seems like it is going to be okay, i just have to be alot more organized with my schedule and keep track of what is going on when. Danny has been great to step up and help out with the everyday things around the house.
The girls started preschool this week and they absolutely love it. Kylee goes on Wednesday and Fridays and Alexis goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I could have put them in the same class but I want them to have the experiences on their own. So it makes my mornings a little hectic but it works out okay, because Michael is in Alexis' class so Kaylynn drives one of the days and on all the others I go out to moms and work out until it is time to go pick them up. So hopefully in the long run this will be a good way for me to get into shape so I won't die when we run the marathon this summer.
Colt is crawling everywhere and now he throws a fit when he can't stand up. he is starting to pull himself up to things I am sure it won't be to long before that little stinker is trying to walk. He wants to be running around with his sisters.
Our house has been on the market since August and we still don't have any offers, we haven't even shown it since before Thanksgiving, I am just hoping and praying that we can get it sold this spring. I would love to be in a new home by this time next year.
Well this weekend doesn't seem like it is going to slow down much, I have Heidi's baby shower on Saturday and that night we are going out to dinner with my parents and siblings which should be fun and then it will be Sunday and the crazy week will begin again. At least I don't have to work again until Wednesday.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Well crap, I really have sucked at this whole blog thing for the last 9 months I guess with the new year I feel like i should start anew. So here we go lets pray I can keep this thing up.
I guess I can start with a recap of some of the more important things, Colt just started crawling this last week, he still hasn 't quite figured out that crawling can get him where he wants to go he will crawl for a few mins and then get mad because I am in the other room and he wants to be with me so he will start screaming. I am sure in the next few days he will become a living terror and getting into everything. A couple of weeks ago we moved him into the pack-n-play in the back room he is now sleeping through the night for some reason he just could sleep in the crib in the girls room. I am glad he decided that he could finally do it though I was going insane having to still get up 2 to 3 times a night. December has been a month of sickies, I guess i should say this fall has been full of sick kids. Colt got pneumonia the first week of October and had to be on oxygen for a week. Then a week later the girls took their turns being sick, one week at a time. November came and it was my turn with sinus infections, and I found out I have really bad tmj, which I haven't been able to get treated, due to insurance not covering it but I finally get to go in this week and get started. December was the month for ear infections colt started the first week the next week lex got bronchitis, the next week colt had another ear infection then kylee got strep after Christmas. All I can say is that I am so tired of the doctors office and sick kids.
Alexis and Kylee had their birthdays they are now 3 and 5. Alex decide this summer that she could finally be potty trained after I had given up trying with her she came to me 2 days after I was done and said she wanted to wear panties, a few days later she was good to go both day and night. That poor kid is as stubborn as both her parents put together.
The summer was full of camping trips due to the fact that we purchased a camp trailer thanks to the fact that Danny decided to sale his motorcycle. Yes he misses it sometimes but he said the trailer was so much more worth it especially since he had only rode his bike once this year before June.
The first few months of Coltons life were a little hectic, he definitely made himself known as our last child. He was super colicky, and had acid reflux, nothing we tried worked, me stopping dairy products helped minimally, but once he stopped breastfeeding and started formula he became a completely different kid. He smiles and laughs all the time instead of screaming and crying. I am so greatful for formula, it has been a lifesaver.
We put our house up on the market in August, and we are still waiting for it to sale so we can build. We hope that this new year will bring us new opportunities and it will sale.
Danny got more responsibilities at work and he is loving it, he has such a great employer!!
I have just started back to full time status this week so we can afford to pay for my tmj treatments, so we will see how well I can cope.
The girls get to start preschool next week and they are so excited, I am excited for them to get the opportunity, and I hope it will give me the motivation to exercise after I drop them off.
There are so many goals and aspirations that have come with this new year I just hope that we won't disappoint. Well enough of my rambling I hope this finds whoever reads it well.
I guess I can start with a recap of some of the more important things, Colt just started crawling this last week, he still hasn 't quite figured out that crawling can get him where he wants to go he will crawl for a few mins and then get mad because I am in the other room and he wants to be with me so he will start screaming. I am sure in the next few days he will become a living terror and getting into everything. A couple of weeks ago we moved him into the pack-n-play in the back room he is now sleeping through the night for some reason he just could sleep in the crib in the girls room. I am glad he decided that he could finally do it though I was going insane having to still get up 2 to 3 times a night. December has been a month of sickies, I guess i should say this fall has been full of sick kids. Colt got pneumonia the first week of October and had to be on oxygen for a week. Then a week later the girls took their turns being sick, one week at a time. November came and it was my turn with sinus infections, and I found out I have really bad tmj, which I haven't been able to get treated, due to insurance not covering it but I finally get to go in this week and get started. December was the month for ear infections colt started the first week the next week lex got bronchitis, the next week colt had another ear infection then kylee got strep after Christmas. All I can say is that I am so tired of the doctors office and sick kids.
Alexis and Kylee had their birthdays they are now 3 and 5. Alex decide this summer that she could finally be potty trained after I had given up trying with her she came to me 2 days after I was done and said she wanted to wear panties, a few days later she was good to go both day and night. That poor kid is as stubborn as both her parents put together.
The summer was full of camping trips due to the fact that we purchased a camp trailer thanks to the fact that Danny decided to sale his motorcycle. Yes he misses it sometimes but he said the trailer was so much more worth it especially since he had only rode his bike once this year before June.
The first few months of Coltons life were a little hectic, he definitely made himself known as our last child. He was super colicky, and had acid reflux, nothing we tried worked, me stopping dairy products helped minimally, but once he stopped breastfeeding and started formula he became a completely different kid. He smiles and laughs all the time instead of screaming and crying. I am so greatful for formula, it has been a lifesaver.
We put our house up on the market in August, and we are still waiting for it to sale so we can build. We hope that this new year will bring us new opportunities and it will sale.
Danny got more responsibilities at work and he is loving it, he has such a great employer!!
I have just started back to full time status this week so we can afford to pay for my tmj treatments, so we will see how well I can cope.
The girls get to start preschool next week and they are so excited, I am excited for them to get the opportunity, and I hope it will give me the motivation to exercise after I drop them off.
There are so many goals and aspirations that have come with this new year I just hope that we won't disappoint. Well enough of my rambling I hope this finds whoever reads it well.
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